Since 2014, the E-Prüfungs-Symposium (e-examination symposium) has aimed to bring various players in the field of exam digitization together and to provide an opportunity to share experiences and new ideas.
This year’s event, with an eye on the post-pandemic period, devoted its attention to the future fields of digital learning.
This year, ExamUnit was also represented as a sponsor.

As a start-up company, our goal is to be part of shaping the dynamics of change. This two-day conference in Hamburg proved to us that we had set our goals correctly.
The world of knowledge assessments is reshaping itself. In addition to the classic forms of examinations, such as multiple choice, free text, etc., other forms are evolving, such as digital laboratories – “DigiLabExam” – where memorization is no longer sufficient for the proof of knowledge, but the application of individual competencies and skills is required. Although we are talking about the future forms of testing, these methods are already in the testing phase and provide interesting results.
Personal interactions with the visitors gave us an overview of where we are today and what our development plans for the future should be.
We cooperate with certification companies and support them in exam design and implementation.
We have already taken the first step into modern exams by developing and implementing an unconventional question type with our client and successfully completed the project.
Now we would like to take the requirements of the universities into our own hands and master new challenges together.
Tell us how you would like your digital exams to look. We will be happy to implement your ideas in our system.